Friday, September 11, 2009

Tired Day

Let's see...
This morning I woke up way too early, even before Andrew's alarm went off. I tried my best to fall back to sleep but could not for the life of me. I ended up being awake for the day around 6:30 am. Not good considering Andrew and I stayed up until midnight watching The Office.
The good part about getting up early is that I had about an hour and a half to myself before Judah woke up. I had breakfast, made coffee, watched the news, did some dishes. It's definitely nice to have that alone time, which is rare in the mornings.

Judah and I enjoyed the morning together. He rifled through all of his toys and all his books were soon strewn across the floor. He absolutely loves it when I read to him. He loves his books so much. He cries when they are over and hates it when I close them. We read book after book after book and he wants to read some more. It's definitely a good thing, and it keeps me reading to him throughout the day.

For lunch I re-stir fried some leftover Chinese food I had made the other day. It didn't sit well with me at all. I followed it with a tall glass of apple juice to counteract the saltiness of lunch. It was way too much sugar for my stomach. I felt terrible afterwards. Thankfully Andrew was on his way home and Judah was taking a long nap. As soon as Andrew walked in the door I went upstairs and took a 3 hour nap. I had still been so tired from waking up really early this morning. Gotta love the husband for allowing me to do things like this.

Andrew was meeting a friend for dinner tonight so Judah and I were on our own. Apparently he had a huge lunch with Andrew when he woke up from his nap. He just kept eating and eating and eating. I tried to feed him dinner around 6:30 but he didn't really seem interested. He kind of just played with the peas and corn on his tray and snacked every once in a while. I didn't force him to eat anything else.

After dinner there were some kids from the neighborhood riding their bikes outside our house. Judah just loves other kids. He toddled over to the screen door and just squealed with delight seeing them ride their bikes around. He can't wait to be a big kid too.

Judah picking and choosing his peas and corn.

Longing to play with the big kids outside.
I also decided to include  a photo of my most recent ultrasound. I had my 13 week appointment back in August. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, which is always so exciting. It's one of the best sounds in the world to hear that little heart thumping away so strongly. They had a little trouble finding the heartbeat so they brought in the ultrasound machine to help find the baby on the screen. 
This was a special treat because normally we would have had to wait until 20 weeks to see the baby again. Baby was so active! It's amazing to see at that size just how much baby moves! It was just as much as I remember feeling Judah move in the 3rd trimester, no less. If I could feel all the movements now, it would honestly have been just as active. 
Dr. Chien printed out a bunch of pictures for us, so here is one of them. 
Only 4 more weeks until we get to find out the sex!

Baby Michels, 13 Weeks

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